Custom Covers
Looking for hardwearing, great value custom covers?
At Felthams, we design and make protective custom covers, transit wraps in any size to suit your business.
Our reusable custom covers offer a greener option than plastic and polythene. And are perfect for transit protection or to guard against dust.
Felthams’ reusable custom transit wraps ensure your goods arrive in peak condition –clean, safe and scratch-free, bringing lower return rates and big savings. And are used by clients such as DHL, VItsoe and leading audio visual businesses.
We can supply:
- dust covers
- padded custom covers
- heavy duty protective bags for storage and transit
· reversible trolley/sackbarrow covers
All our custom covers can be branded with company or event logos and are made to measure to fit any product. We recently made a 103 inch wide cover for a Panasonic Plasma TV.